somethings from codeland

Monday, November 05, 2007

Clear Function

This is a three man web development team with good heads on their shoulders... They are doing a web application a month, and it looks kind of neat..

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

aboveshift blog

I need to devote some time to fixing the blog at aboveshift. I believe it's still functional, but the design has broken.. needs some attention either way..

RJS Service

I spent a little bit of time learning how to create a service for MapInfo's Routing J Server using the .Net 2.0 framework. While the attempt was not in vain, it did not work on a clients machine as it did in-house.

MapInfo's RJS service install

It turns out MapInfo's Routing J Server has its own procedure for installing itself as a service right out of the box.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

windows services

I wrote my first windows service today. It was relatively easy to do in C# .Net.

After building the executable, it is necessary to install the service with installutil.exe (an exe included in the .Net framework).

I expect I will be automating this with NSIS for Appian's installers.

CakePHP ajax tutorial: scriptaculous


possible code fix???

Turns out you need to register the helper javascript function as ajax for scriptaculous library functions???

More to come but I'm at a loss currently..

Monday, October 15, 2007


I'm enjoying the seemingly structureless musings of Daedelus.

oh and I finally picked up a copy of the last Harry Potter book.. No one has ruined it for me yet..

Sunday, October 14, 2007

First cakePHP project: a CMS

I'm going to start coding a CMS in cakePHP.

Also, instead of just having a text box for the user to input information, I would like to use fckeditor. This will allow for a Microsoft Word-like interface and make it a little easier to input page content..

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

new indie artist to check out

Vedera -- singing "For a friend"

NSIS development on Eclipse

For some time I've been developing my NSIS installations for Appian using Notepad++ and the NSIS code completion library for quick dev. It turns out there is a handy NSIS development plugin for eclipse that I should be using...

Complete with a visual tool for InstallOptions custom dialog screens for user interaction with the installer itself.

Overall, I think that NSIS is a very good alternative to the mainstream Installshield and Installaware applications. Hopefully the foreign exe's that NSIS generates don't get targeted as a minority that Vista or further MS OS's target as bad installation implementations. They are pretty "gung-ho" with their windows installation services msi directive...

Setup steps:
(need to install this plugin on Eclipse 3.3 or later..)

Monday, October 01, 2007

PayPal credit card errors

Processing credit cards with PayPal

Just about everything should be handled through a client side javascript validation. Stuff like

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The next router I will buy..

The Linksys WRT350N

I used to do strictly Netgear products, but I've had some issues with the WNR854T Netgear router in a client's office.

Newegg's got them for 150 right now..

Friday, September 28, 2007

NSIS - .Net 2.0 check and install

I found this module that will check for and install if necessary the .Net 2.0 runtime..

Looks really great. I will need it for Appian's installers..

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Connection test services

I have a client that I need to monitor to make sure they stay online. I will probably need to make a two part application for this:
  • A server that will send out something of a heart-beat signal and wait a specified interval to make sure it gets a reply back.
  • A client that will answer the heart-beat at a specified interval.
If the heartbeat isn't answered, then I think there should be an event that occurs.
  • The site downage is recorded to a database
  • an email should be sent to parties responsible for the sites up time.
    • An email should be sent to aboveSHIFT

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

MediaWiki easier???

I want to start using wiki's more often for internal document structure, but there's really no great solution out there. FCKeditor for MediaWiki

Maybe this could be a good project..
  • Internal office information with access levels (you don't want marketing people into common IT passwords..)
  • Media wiki would be ideal, but its just too hard to use..
    • need something more like a blog interface.
  • office document modification would be a plus
    • open up and edit .doc, .xls, etc...
    • Google has an ideal solution, but I do not believe its portable (exists only on their servers..)
On a side note, wordpress is starting to talk about integration with Wordress and PHP Wiki. Looks kind of interesting...

Ideas for Zencart add products structure

Make a full screen application that will allow for multiple tasks...
  • Maybe there should be a bar of things to do on the left side of the screen?
    • instead of tabs on the top of the window..

Monday, September 24, 2007

Reverse Engineering Code

A good reference on all the disassemblers and the like..

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Media Player integration with Firefox from Microsoft's Open Source Labs

Firefox runs into issues when trying to view media requiring windows Media Player in order to work correctly. Microsoft's open source labs, Port 25, has released an exe that will integrate WMP into the Firefox browser.

Friday, September 21, 2007

CakePHP tutorials

sitepoint - create a notes application

CakePHP manual - create a blog

Grahambird - create an ajax task list list of tutorials for CakePHP

CakePHP Useful tips, a blog - 21 things you must know about CakePHP

The Bakery, CakePHP's wiki site - 27 Useful CakePHP Tutorials

IBM tutorial over CakePHP

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A fondness for Rails

I have been wanting to get into Ruby on Rails for some time now. I haven't really had the time to dedicate to learning the syntax of a new language, however. I've heard all about CakePHP though, and am going to start a new project in it over the course of the next few weeks. CakePHP has borrowed the Ruby on Rails MVC structure for coding projects. -- The tutorial I'll be following from sitepoint..

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Laptop for Tim

Dell Inspiron 6400 E1505 Laptop - $350

HP Pavilion ZE5600 laptop computer 4 sale - $300

About me: a powerpoint project for my design class

I think I'm going to start with all the places I've lived. (Google Earth)

San Antonio (Converse)
Waco (Lorena)
Dallas (Mesquite)
San Antonio again (Universal City)finished high school
Austin while finishing up high school)
Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City

new bands to check out:

HIJK - groove jet (new indie electro band..)

Annuals - Carry Around (some pleasant randomness)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

visual studio 2005 client side script

vmWare workstation VM to vmWare Server

In order to run a virtual machine made by vmware Workstation, you must first make sure the machine is stopped completely (not suspended). Then you must open the virtual machine's image file with vmWare's Converter utility to convert the workstation to a vmWare Server compatible virtual machine image file.

Then the virtual machine should run fine under vmWare's Server platform.

Grouping .Net elements in web forms

Group all elements for account creation together by using each elements group property. This will force the TAB key to go to the next element in the group.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Eclipse switch files

ctrl + f6 or you can change the next editor function's keyboard shortcut to whatever you like..

Window->Preferences->General->Keys and select “Next Editor”.
Now select the text in “Binding” textbox using mouse and do right Click and “Cut”. Now the Binding box would be blank.
Now, press CTRL key and Tab togather and press “OK”.

Friday, September 07, 2007

sync outlook with google calendar

.Net smtp worker

I started working with an array of custom objects that will each contain information to send to either a cell phone or HTML accessible mail client.. This is going to be the base of the class. Just need to construct the interface for the array of custom objects..

smtp .Net mailer class

I ended up having do some SMTP authentication. In order to do this I had to create a custom Credential Cache object to tie to my SMTPClient object for the email request..

//set username and pass for smtp authentications
NetworkCredential netLogin = new NetworkCredential(eMail.SMTPLoginName, eMail.SMTPLoginPassword);
//set authenticated smtp connection network configuration credentials
CredentialCache myCache = new CredentialCache();
myCache.Add(eMail.SMTPServerName, Convert.ToInt16(eMail.SMTPPort), "", netLogin);
//assign custom credentials to this authenticated smtp request
client.Credentials = myCache;

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Awn: dock for Ubuntu

I was searching for linux terminal screenshots for a Design Project for class and I came across this dock for linux: Awn


Looks really promising..

Friday, August 31, 2007

Validation Error Icons

Found these online. Kinda nice..

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Trac project management installed

Here's my working installation..

When you get svn errors its nice to have svn bindings installed.. (feel like a moron at 2am)

Good times..

Thursday, August 23, 2007

designer blog

Clean black and white design with a touch of blue

Color: Black and white, with a touch of blue. (not quite monochrome, breaking out..)
Edges: Rounded, (15px between content and border)

Graphics: Arrow (same shape but different sizes)
White space: Abundantly used for organization.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Design inspiration for current projects

mariocarboni - yellow stripe in header for TDC Construction - simple header for the lawyers website.. - lawyer site again.. imagery outside of the box, and a map built right into the content window. - lawyer - nice color scheme, but way too busy in the header for small town feel..

Thursday, August 16, 2007

XML with the .Net framework

C# XML tutorial

writing xml with xmlWriter

the value of static variables belonging to a class is shared amongst all instances of that class..

Monday, August 13, 2007

PHP courses

PHP 101 from --

Very good intro to the workings of php. Good refresher to get back into PHP.

Monodevelop on Ubuntu

Command procedures for compiling the source on Ubuntu from

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I am going to be using this article on wireframing as a base to redesign I am wanting it to work out something like what was done here. We'll see how she goes.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Rich text editors on the web

Yahoo has extended its YUI framework to include a rich text editor RTE

fckeditor has been around for a little while now. There are excellent plugins for wordpress and other popular CMS'. Not so sure how 'AJAXified' the interface is. I suspect yahoo's RTE to be up to par on the latest client javascript feel.

Photoshop tutorials

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Design Links Inspiration and other good info.. - a theme/design contest site. Good for ideas/inspiration..

80 type faces for professional design "good" fonts for sleek pro sites..

design simplicity - great design and web technology resource

e-texteditory - textmate's (a really great editor for Mac only) competitor for windows and soon to be linux also.. - web dev resource list - colorful inspiration for design

blueprint - a css framework. Base designs on top of working css

logo inspiration - stay away from the bubbles.. ha - design inspiration articles - business cards, flash sites, and css sites = design inspiration..

Design Stories and transition decisions..
redesgin of expressionengine

Stonebriar Community Church Redesign

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Custom PayPal Integration

There are a great many ways to integrate with PayPal nowadays.
PayPal Integration

The easiest looks to be posting information through a bunch of hidden form inputs. Not quite sure how we get a success message back from PayPal that it went through successfully afterwards.
Cart Upload

there are also toolkits available for a couple of implementation languages, namely asp for the current project I'm working on PayPal toolkits
asp PayPal toolkit

Sunday, August 05, 2007

c# web services

I want to use more fully fleshed out javascript frameworks with my already asp ajax enabled c# web app. My first project will consist of populating a treeview dynamically using the yahoo yui js framework and a custom c# web service.

There are two or more asynchronous web services that I will need to build. One will be responsible for building the tree and sending it back in xml or json so that I can build the tree again on the clients browser. The other method(s) will be responsible for altering the tree. I will need to move nodes to different parent nodes, delete selected nodes, or insert nodes under a specific node.

I can break it down into just a couple of functions: remove, insert, and move (which would just call the two previously declared functions in order after caching a node to be "moved" before deleted)

I'm going to start with the c# web services end using's new ajax implementation. Not sure how difficult it will be, but it seems to have a big enough following.

c# web services overview
Exposing web services to client script - the methods that I would call from javascript to modify the tree's nodes.

I found a couple of fairly decent articles on codeguru.

Web services using .Net and Javascript

Update: I've found an excellent tutorial on web services for beginners..

Drive added to Ubuntu server

add hard drive manually

Thursday, August 02, 2007

framework treeviews

Working on implementing a treeview that will call an asynchronous method on the server.

There are many implementations of the treeview element.

love this color scheme

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

TBB = Thread Building Blocks

Intel has open sourced their commercial thread building for multi-core processors application. The release is for a C++ implementation. Java and .Net versions are currently being evaluated at Intel to be announced in the future. Looks like we're going to have a standard for threading machine based applications..

open source TBB

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Friday, July 20, 2007

Ubuntu Dirvish Server

I have an Ubuntu Server running a 1 terabyte raid 0 hard drive configuration. Dirvish, an rsync image based backup system is installed. There are two primary windows based machines that will be utilizing the new backup system, an office file server, and an in office application server. We might optionally add entries for everyone's in office machine, for email backups etc.. - backup solution with rsync

windows guide to dirvish

Dirvish Tips

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Aptana: Web dev IDE

I'm loving aptana.

Its preconfigured to do everything I need it to do with html, css, and javascript. Its got an easy installation process for a radrails plugin (ruby on rails IDE).

there are a list of tutorials that they've put together on how to use their IDE

Let's see about some php support..

Saturday, July 07, 2007 videos on

Ajax how-to's using the 1.0 release of Ajax.ASP.Net framework..

Friday, July 06, 2007

ruby on rails

Elegant information on the structure of ruby and rails (the web development framework for the ruby language)

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Vista quick how-to's

great vista guide on getting rid of pointless crap in vista

a little happier with vista

I have been unable to get all of my data off of the vista install on this laptop I work on, so I've tried to make do temporarily..

I turned off the windows search service in the services manager and I noticed an almost immediate increase in performance. I have a newer dell (a latitude d620) and I'm liking where I'm sitting now.. Might have to get the dvd burner to work, and then we'll be sitting very nice..

The next step is to get eclipse working correctly. I downloaded the callisto distro and loaded up jseclipse. I might just need to figure out how to work with eclipse more, but I am unable to get syntax completion working correctly. (the ctrl + space drop down listings...)

Yes, once this is all done, then I might be a happy man on Vista.

firebug console commands

command line API

The Firebug command line provides these special functions for your convenience:

Returns a single element with the given id.

Returns an array of elements that match the given CSS selector.

Returns an array of elements that match the given XPath expression.

Prints an interactive listing of all properties of the object. This looks identical to the view that you would see in the DOM tab.

Prints the XML source tree of an HTML or XML element. This looks identical to the view that you would see in the HTML tab. You can click on any node to inspect it in the HTML tab.

By default, command line expressions are relative to the top-level window of the page. cd() allows you to use the window of a frame in the page instead.

Clears the console.
inspect(object[, tabName])

Inspects an object in the most suitable tab, or the tab identified by the optional argument tabName.

The available tab names are "html", "css", "script", and "dom".

Returns an array containing the names of all properties of the object.

Returns an array containing the values of all properties of the object.

Adds a breakpoint on the first line of a function.

Removes the breakpoint on the first line of a function.

Turns on logging for all calls to a function.

Turns off logging for all calls to a function.
monitorEvents(object[, types])

Turns on logging for all events dispatched to an object. The optional argument types may specify a specific family of events to log. The most commonly used values for types are "mouse" and "key".

The full list of available types includes "composition", "contextmenu", "drag", "focus", "form", "key", "load", "mouse", "mutation", "paint", "scroll", "text", "ui", and "xul".
unmonitorEvents(object[, types])

Turns off logging for all events dispatched to an object.

Turns on the JavaScript profiler. The optional argument title would contain the text to be printed in the header of the profile report.

Turns off the JavaScript profiler and prints its report.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


SilverStripe has a content management solution and javascript solutions galore..

asp.Net tree control

I need a cross browser solution for a custom tree control. Right now I've found the asp.Net web controls for IE has something, but I am not sure if this will only work in IE or if it actually generates JavaScript. I might have to just start working with some ajax on this one..

msdn ie web controls

JavaScript options:

yahoo treeview - good to base off of a standard

silverstripe - because the demo looks good..

Ext -- Another good framework

Sunday, June 24, 2007

my next monitor

A Samsung from

I just want some more real-estate on my screen for coding..

Great resolution at 1650 x 1050, and with 5ms response times. Oh my..

X over ssh

Remote desktop over ssh is getting better and better..

Friday, June 15, 2007

c# browse for folder

Browse for folders using Shell32.dll's BrowseForFolder method in C#

Update: Didn't realize that FolderBrowserDialog was as easy to use as it turns out to be..

c# compression library = easy

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Virtual KVM: synergy

So no hardware required. I have a monitor with two inputs for signal (the old-school serial, and a dvi)
So basically I can set up the client on my ubuntu linux, and vista (soon to be xp again) laptop.

With this I'll be able to use the big monitor with either machine and not have to clutter the desktop with the laptop being there.. (just set it off to the side hooked up..)

Synergy KVM

I might even go and get another screen, maybe a bigger one or something..

encryption galore

PDF Printer in Ubuntu

Ubuntu pdf printer

Ubuntu scripts for automatic desktop setups

Do all those illegal things, like copy protected dvd's and such..

courtesy of xsol

*I do not condone illegal activities. This is strictly for educational purposes..

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Configuring MySQL remote access

Create the database and then allow a user remote access


courtesy of cyberciti

you can use wildcards in the address if you have an ip that is going to change on your accessing clients

so that second line would look a little more like this if you wanted all your machines at home to be able to connect to the mysql server you're configuring
mysql> GRANT ALL ON foo.* TO bar@'192.168.0.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD';

courtesy of yrhostsupport

where % is the wildcard that mysql requires in the address

Sunday, June 10, 2007

programming stuff: cheatsheets and such

Any api documentation on an ajax interface. Think visual studio's object browser on the web..

And my source:
Essential HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and miscellaneous cheatsheets

css galleries

css galleries = good stuff..

Friday, June 08, 2007

Ubuntu MythTV install guide

This should prove interesting. I've tried it a number of times in the past..

This guide is to install the mythtv backend, mythtv frontend, and have a regular ubuntu desktop: exactly what I'm looking for..

Google Talk though Pidgin on Ubuntu

I realized today how much I rely on gTalk to share files and otherwise talk to people at work and my side business. It will be a must if I am to switch operating systems at the house.

Google talk through pidgin

I did also find an open source magazine today through digg. It seems to be kinda neat. full circle magazine

This is one that I found long ago. Google Magazine

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Ubuntu on the nice box at the house revisted (again)

I have always at least tried it out but had to go back to xp for something. I tried out Vista because of the new media center included in Vista Ultimate, but there always seems to be a catch to get it up and running. (its a story in itself, but I buy one card and I end up needing 2 more)

Anyways, so the ubuntu is ideal because this computer is going to be a media center as well as a workstation in my bedroom.

The last excuse for going back to XP was ntfs reading/writing. This now seems to be a little more stable and only takes a few minutes to set up now..

Setup Ubuntu NTFS

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Build your own server: Xubuntu

This article explains the ins and outs of setting up a general purpose server based from Xubuntu. This version of the debian-based Ubuntu, is built to be light-weight, so it can run on those spare parts that have been building up in that room you've been meaning to clean for how long??

This tutorial is more the gui approach to setting everything up using Syntaptic. I still prefer apt-get in the command line, but what do you do.. And without further ado:

Samba Configuration
Remote access on Xubuntu

Install SVN with Web Access on Ubuntu

I am configuring an svn server for the company to hold all of our code. I have that test Ubuntu up and running, so I'm going to dedicate that to our svn repository..

Install SVN with Web Access on Ubuntu

Monday, June 04, 2007

Ubuntu and Tomcat 6 server

I'm wanting to play with the java environment now that I've programmed in C# for as long as I have. I think it should be interesting. But I am going to need a test server to run things on once I start getting things going.

Enter the Ubuntu setup guide for Tomcat 6 -- Tomcat 6 and Apache 2 basic setting guide for Feisty

Friday, June 01, 2007

Ajax Forms

I am working on a generic client side form validation solution. I found some very interesting resources though:
FormAssembly -- tutorials

Dexagogo -- demo

This stuff is looking really good.. (better than what I might have come up with on my own..

AJAX: what's a nerd to do with his upcoming rainy weekend..

AJAX Tutorials

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

mono = .net for linux

I'm experimenting with Mono, a cross platform alternative that allows to extend the .Net framework onto non-Windows based hosting environments. (in our case, anything that supports Apache and its mod_mono module) I have installed it and am running a custom ASP.Net app that I wrote for a client. It seems to be working smoothly.

There was a little bit of hassle getting it going though. It turns out that ASP.Net 2.0 isn't completely supported, so we had to make sure to run through the beta server of mono-apache-server2.

I'm running through Ubuntu because of its easy debian based architecture for getting everything setup really easily, and it seems to be running like a champ.

Ubuntu Setup

Thursday, May 24, 2007

A summer photo gallery

I want to mix up these two projects

ZenPhoto - home / example
Hoverbox - home/example

I want to have the ZenPhoto as it is, but on the main category listing, I want the hover feature on mouse over of the image for that category or the title/link of the category.

Should prove interesting..


This guy got picasa to work with Gallery, an open source gallery system with its own photo upload program.
Gallery & Picasa Integration

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

new memory for the desktop

I found this cheap memory online, turns out to be $50 cheaper than the nicer name brand memory - partriot, from

I'm planning on buying 4gb of ram for the desktop. Sick of screwing with a slow machine.. It's a p4 box running 3.2ghz processor.. So we'll see how this fares up..

Sunday, May 13, 2007

javascript onClick clear Text Area

For easier form usability, I found this article about clearing out a text input so the user does not have to delete the inputs instruction contents in order to submit without the instructions included as part of the submit..

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

great css ideas

reset the browser -- from crucialwebhost

70 more css tips..

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

huge list of color scheme sites

Here's a great flash-based color generator

background images from flickr

This is a good site for getting images of a certain color for background..

create sexy css buttons

sexy css buttons -- some god stuff about sliding doors technique for css buttons..

freelancer website could have some interesting information..

17 e-commerce site tips

17 tips from

Good contrast in the design on their site and some decent tips for e-commerce site usability..

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Adobe Flex: Open Source

Flex is an XML based langauge (MXML) that provides an interface to Flash on the presentation tier in the development environment. I have come to terms with Flex being Flash for web coders. It would replace a scripting language like php or jsp.

Sample app: Google Finance

Well it is now open source, providing an sdk and dev environment. I know that adobe has released a plugin for the eclipse ide, JSEcplipse, primarily for javascript coding (supports all the big ajax frameworks) but also includes support for flex constructs.

Should prove to be an interesting summer of coding..

Monday, April 23, 2007

html back button: Simple Enough

For some reason its come up on a few projects lately that we need a back button built into the web applications navigation interface. Simple enough..

<input value="Back" name="ClickBack"
onclick="(history.back())" type="button">


Sunday, April 22, 2007


I have been looking to start back into PHP for some projects coming up here in the not so distant future. I would like to find a very comprehensive php framework to base off of but dynamic enough to expand on... Possibly incorporate small benefits from other projects into.. Anyways, I've discovered CakePHP. We'll see how this goes..

I would also like to explore zendframework a little more, as it is supposed to be the best xml framework for api integration with all the big boys out there. (google, yahoo, etc..)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Free Ajax class

Structure of the class resembles an online college course:

javascript debuggers

Advanced syntax highlighting tool

Monday, April 16, 2007

Windows 2003 server small business setup

I just finished setting up Windows 2003 Server: Small Business Edition, and its been working great for a few days, and then today I have a box that will auto restart on its own every hour. Apparently those extra 3 discs that came with the setup for 2003 server are not optional in the setup/installation process. You have to finish this off in order to complete the registration process with Microsoft, otherwise you are in violation of the EULA... Fun stuff

Friday, April 06, 2007

c++ boost library

Making a note to check out these libraries for c++ dev work..


I found a project for comparing the contents of two files. There are always those crappy small-time commercial versions out there but here's an open source solution that compares files as well as directory contents.. Rather clean interface..


Saturday, March 31, 2007

file path on upload file objects

It turns out that while firefox correctly passes the name of the file the client is trying to upload, both IE6 and IE7 pass the entire path from the clients machine to the server.

You can easily get the filename by just going through the string, using a loop, in my case a for loop.

First off this is the string that I get back from IE6 & 7:

Here's my for loop to only grab the file name itself.

public static string getFileNameFromPath(string path)
string fileName= "";
for (int i = 0; i < path.Length; i++)
if (path[i] != '\\')
fileName += path[i];
fileName = "";
return fileName;

Friday, March 30, 2007

Control computer with hand motions

Interact with the desktop by hand motions, much like those on Minority Report (Tom Cruise).

Friday, March 23, 2007


ColorPic is an awesome tool to get the hex color of anything on screen, something you've found in the past, and I'm sure there's more.. I'm all about free software too..

How many times have you waited for photoshop to open so you could grab a color? Well no more.. Tiny install, and a small footprint on the screen.. Couldn't be happier, it works with Vista.


Friday, January 05, 2007

Myth TV Revisited

I have all the goods to make this happen. I have tried in the past, but it was going to be far too difficult. Here are my objectives:

  • Install Ubuntu on this old pc

  • get a mythbox up and running with the pc controls

    • eventually get extra remotes working (ie, the ati rc remote, and the nintendo wiimote with the available python driver

  • Be able to record hdtv signal, through my cable box and over the air

    • I believe I'm going to need multiple recievers

    • I have a hauppage hd 5500, which up to this point has been a pain to work with (the kernel hadn't yet supported the driver naitivly.

I'll be documenting what my difficulties are, and possible remedies (whatever seemed to get it working). The tutorial I will be following is from the ubuntu help forums.

Eventually I want to stream over the internet, as well as to my cell phone.

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About Me

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I have been working with computers/programming to put myself through college since I graduated high school. I am currently attending Oklahoma State University for bachelors degree in biological sciences. Along with my experience in programming, a degree in biology will allow me to pursue a career in bioinformatics research concerning genetic diseases (i.e. cancer).

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