somethings from codeland

Monday, October 17, 2005

AJAX revolution...

Mixed opinions flood the web about all new technologies. The only difference is that this particular technology is to revolutionalize the web itself. AJAX is to change the way that we view content. Now this language is in serious need of standardization. A lot of pioneering coders have implemented serious logic errors while maintaining that "it looks cool." The main reason AJAX is looked down upon is simply because of the fact that all it offers, all the glamor is capable of rendering, can easily be taken advantage of, and exploited, turning it into the next Flash: All style and no substance.

I would say with maturation this language posseses what the web needs to keep on top of the game of web fashion, while still providing adequate measures of reliablity to still offer the substance sites provide to date. This provides a lot more bells and whistles, giving web developers the options needed to develop a true unique solution or sense of style.

"Browsers whose JavaScript Interpreters provide the XMLHttpRequest object can make nonblocking calls back to the server. The server can return peices of HTML to be displayed, JavaScript to be run by the browser, or indeed any data you like."
-Rick Wayne of Software Development magazine

Mr. Waynes latest craze is integrating AJAX into his future productions utilizing a dynamic scripting solution called Ruby on Rails. This open source platform integrates easily with database architecture (mostly automating the process for you) and is not hard to pick up. Making that latest idea come to life with the latest technology web programming and design has to offer is only getting better. At least check it out, so you're not left behind.

For more on Ruby on Rails with AJAX check out O'Reilly

from the AJAX wiki


1 comment:

Ike said...

what's with these stupid robots that keeping leaving crap on your site dude. Kids these days.


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I have been working with computers/programming to put myself through college since I graduated high school. I am currently attending Oklahoma State University for bachelors degree in biological sciences. Along with my experience in programming, a degree in biology will allow me to pursue a career in bioinformatics research concerning genetic diseases (i.e. cancer).

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