somethings from codeland

Sunday, January 11, 2009

school is starting back

I’m wondering if I can get all of my books for class in e-book form this semester. Instead of selling my books back to the store I usually end up selling them to my friends. Needless to say, I never really make anything back at the end of the semester.

I got an email from my biology professor talking about the e-book format that’s available for his class. I like the idea of being able to search for things in the book faster, but they only sell a crazy DRM copy that can only be used on up to 2 computers. I don’t plan on anything happening to where that would be a problem, but I would much rather purchase a PDF that I could use and do with however I want. (I’m not going to have this same laptop forever, right)

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I have been working with computers/programming to put myself through college since I graduated high school. I am currently attending Oklahoma State University for bachelors degree in biological sciences. Along with my experience in programming, a degree in biology will allow me to pursue a career in bioinformatics research concerning genetic diseases (i.e. cancer).

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