somethings from codeland

Friday, August 10, 2007

Rich text editors on the web

Yahoo has extended its YUI framework to include a rich text editor RTE

fckeditor has been around for a little while now. There are excellent plugins for wordpress and other popular CMS'. Not so sure how 'AJAXified' the interface is. I suspect yahoo's RTE to be up to par on the latest client javascript feel.

Photoshop tutorials

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Design Links Inspiration and other good info.. - a theme/design contest site. Good for ideas/inspiration..

80 type faces for professional design "good" fonts for sleek pro sites..

design simplicity - great design and web technology resource

e-texteditory - textmate's (a really great editor for Mac only) competitor for windows and soon to be linux also.. - web dev resource list - colorful inspiration for design

blueprint - a css framework. Base designs on top of working css

logo inspiration - stay away from the bubbles.. ha - design inspiration articles - business cards, flash sites, and css sites = design inspiration..

Design Stories and transition decisions..
redesgin of expressionengine

Stonebriar Community Church Redesign

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Custom PayPal Integration

There are a great many ways to integrate with PayPal nowadays.
PayPal Integration

The easiest looks to be posting information through a bunch of hidden form inputs. Not quite sure how we get a success message back from PayPal that it went through successfully afterwards.
Cart Upload

there are also toolkits available for a couple of implementation languages, namely asp for the current project I'm working on PayPal toolkits
asp PayPal toolkit

Sunday, August 05, 2007

c# web services

I want to use more fully fleshed out javascript frameworks with my already asp ajax enabled c# web app. My first project will consist of populating a treeview dynamically using the yahoo yui js framework and a custom c# web service.

There are two or more asynchronous web services that I will need to build. One will be responsible for building the tree and sending it back in xml or json so that I can build the tree again on the clients browser. The other method(s) will be responsible for altering the tree. I will need to move nodes to different parent nodes, delete selected nodes, or insert nodes under a specific node.

I can break it down into just a couple of functions: remove, insert, and move (which would just call the two previously declared functions in order after caching a node to be "moved" before deleted)

I'm going to start with the c# web services end using's new ajax implementation. Not sure how difficult it will be, but it seems to have a big enough following.

c# web services overview
Exposing web services to client script - the methods that I would call from javascript to modify the tree's nodes.

I found a couple of fairly decent articles on codeguru.

Web services using .Net and Javascript

Update: I've found an excellent tutorial on web services for beginners..

Drive added to Ubuntu server

add hard drive manually

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I have been working with computers/programming to put myself through college since I graduated high school. I am currently attending Oklahoma State University for bachelors degree in biological sciences. Along with my experience in programming, a degree in biology will allow me to pursue a career in bioinformatics research concerning genetic diseases (i.e. cancer).

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